Monday, July 14, 2008

Ferrel McQuarter, 2008

The leaf ladies! This summer has been full of fun times and hilarious memories. I have been very naughty about posting all of these many events and have been chastised by my dear sister lara to write and update. So, here goes :) I will try and mend my ways as best as I can. These shots are from a sister picnic at Ferrel McQuarter Park in Redmond. We got jambas and picniced under the "Emma Tree" as I call it and then walked around enjoying the funny animals and crazy tire swing. I then found this leaf and thought it was the neatest thing I'd ever seen so made each of us have a candid camera shot with it :) This is pretty much my favorite park and my favorite peaceful place to just sit and enjoy life. This is a definite must see if you come through Redmond, WA.

1 comment:

Lara said...

Hooray!!! Finally all my nagging paid off with some new posts! I love the leaf pictures :) I wish I could sit under the "Emma Tree" with you guys, it is such a lovely tree.