Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the Cahoonian Reunion of 2009!

This was the first of many to come Cahoonian Reunions! We were so excited for all the family to be together. It went by much too fast but we squeezed a lot in while we were together; kite flying at Gasworks Park, hiking to a glacier lake (Lake 22), picnicking while listening to an accordion band, seeing Harry Potter while eating lightning bolt cookies, playing at the Science Center, visiting the Troll, eating really great food, watching old videos and photos, being together the list goes on and on! We did have a great week, we were sad each time we had to say goodbye to family! Till next time!


Noelle said...

I love lake 22! Sounds like all my favorite things to do in Seattle. Glad you had a fun reunion.

Lara said...

I miss you already! Don't forget to make me a CD with all the pictures you and Molly took.

Brad and Barb Cahoon said...

The kitchen counter chalkboard still says: Cahoonion Reunion...oh yah!...it's a happenin'. I just can't get myself to erase it. The fun memories will NEVER be erased. I'm a blessed woman to have a family that I enjoy SO much!