Tuesday, October 6, 2009

be Nice!

I just had the meanest and cruelest woman yell at me on the phone for a mistake made at my work (not by me) and it was horrible! Just remember when something goes wrong in retail to be nice to the worker. It is always an easy mistake and an easy fix so don't lose your temper.

So, I went out and bought myself some pumpkins (a white one and squaty orange one) and ice-cream (Ben&Jerry's) to make me feel a tad happier. And they did! Oh there is no woe that a little piece of fall and good cream cannot fix.


Anonymous said...

love the pumpkins! and yes, sadly it IS the service employees that get the grunt from customers... boo on that...

monica said...

ohhh i need to get me some pumpkins(and ben&jerry's). i love fall!

Lara said...

Shame on that horrible woman for being so mean to my Care-bear. I'm glad you found a way to brighten up your day.