Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Great East Coast!

I just got to go on a once in a lifetime trip. Thanks to my very hard working and wonderful father! We got to see NYC, Baltimore, Williamsburg, Monticello and DC. Some of the greatest cities of America! I absolutely love visiting these early sites of America, we got to see and learn so much while we were there! Every time I think about being an American I just get chills of gratitude. It is amazing how our nation was founded. I could just not get enough of these great cities! I loved walking till we could walk no more! This was an incredible trip never to be forgotten!

NYC- Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Wall Street, St.Paul's Chapel at Ground Zero, Brooklyn Bridge, Strand Bookstore (where Julie goes to in "Julie & Julia), Going up the Empire State Bldg., Riding the Subway (and spotting 3 rats), Seeing Mary Poppins in the old Ziegfeld Follies Theater, walking through Central Park, eating Magnolia Bakery cakes, BUSY Times Square.
Baltimore- Evening boat ride and dinner with dad, wearing crab hats, the book fair, free art museum, Hiking up the first architectural monument in America with mom, riding in my very first taxi, staying in the nicest hotel I've ever stayed in for 1 night.
Fort McHenry- We ran over here right before they closed and I am so glad. It was so neat to see the site where the star spangled banner was inspired from. I loved seeing this sight and picturing how that day would have been. Pretty miraculous!
Williamsburg- Walking around with costumed people, Going to an evening of dancing, harpsichord playing, and pirates among us! Watching live theater events acting out the events of early Williamsburg, eating at Kings Tavern Inn. This city was SO fun, I would go back any day!
Monticello- Going to Thomas Jefferson's home. This was Incredible!! His home was so neat and it was amazing to see his gardens. They were huge! And it was wonderful to hear more about him.
D.C- we were here for 1 night and morning. We went to the monuments at night which was very fun, I think I have decided my favorite is Thomas Jeffersons. But I do so enjoy them all. Then in the morning we ran to the American History Museum, Natural History Museum and then mom and I ran to the Art Museum (of course) it was wonderful!!!!!

I Love America!!!!

1 comment:

Brad and Barb Cahoon said...

It's true that one cannot fully appreciate the present without honoring and appreciating the past. It was a fabulous trip, made memorable from spending it with you!